Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Decade You Were Born: The 1960's

Groovy, Man
I actually bought (at first) the 1940 one(to see what my parents were like as young folks) -- then got the 50's one since I was a late 50's brat, then the 60's for my early teens and then the 70's for my high school days, and ended up with the 80's for my college daze. The narration, content and music were all impresive in how they were done and they stuck with issues relevant to the social development in a way - that was at NO time, boring. And I'm such a Retro Hound - that this was a real treat. The extra features are great and for over 4 hours of extras PLUS the long documentary ---for the price, there is just no way you can lose out on having these if you are a retro lover or, just curious. Now - I just wish they'd do a 1910 - 1920 - 1930 series, too.

Great Party Gift
This Dvd will start that slow party with laughs and great fun -- Give to your next birthday party gift

The Decade You Were Born-The 60's
A lot of stock footage of the Apollo Space Missions. Oh, yeah, there was a little mention of the assassinations of President Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and Senator Robert Kennedy, but they went by so quick, they didn't seem to be an important part of the disc. There were a few seconds devoted to something called "The Beatles" and a war that Viet Nam had with somebody. One word description of the disc: L-a-m-e.

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