Two Taylor dance pieces from 1998 and 2008 plus a 10-minute featurette
This 55 minute DVD contains a 2012 performance of two important Paul Taylor works created 10 years apart, presented in Paris and filmed by New York's PBS station WNET. Each of the pieces - 1988's "Brandenburg's" and 2008's "Beloved Renegade" ( Taylor's tribute to poet Walt Whitman) runs about 25 minutes. They are performed on a stage with no scenery and the camerawork includes both wide-angle and close-up shots. The dancers are - as Taylor's always are - incredible.
There is a 10-minute "bonus featurette" "Paul Taylor: Architect of Energy" which features comments by both Taylor and his featured dancers. They discuss the two pieces on the DVD. There are French subtitles for the featurette - which is in English.)
I'm sure Taylor fans (of which I count myself as one) will enjoy this DVD.
I hope you found this review both informative and helpful.
Steve Ramm
"Anything Phonographic"
Absolutely Ravishing Dancing on Film
While I have seen and very much enjoyed live performances of the Paul Taylor Dance Company, I simply wasn't prepared for the absolute beauty, or the mesmerizing and hypnotizing quality that this film miraculously manages to capture. Of particular note is the thrilling choreography and the extraordinary dance performance level revealed in "The Brandenburgs" to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, but "Beloved Renegade" performed to the music of Francois Poulenc is also completely remarkable. What an utter joy and complete treat to behold!
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