Listings PLUS Blu Ray Exclusive
Source: [...]
#25 - Triple H vs. Mick Foley
#24 - Tazz vs. Sabu
#23 - Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero
#22 - Bruiser Brody vs. Abdullah the Butcher
#21 - Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper
#20 - CM Punk vs. John Cena
#19 - Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar
#18 - Randy Orton vs. Triple H
#17 - Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
#16 - Mankind vs. The Undertaker
Underground Laboratory
#15 - Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven
#14 - Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
#13 - Triple H vs. The Rock
#12 - John Cena vs. Edge
#11 - Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage
#10 - Tully Blanchard vs. Magnum T.A.
#9 - The Undertaker vs. Kane
#8 - Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz
#7 - Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair
#6 - Von Erichs vs. The...
Very Entertaining Wrestling Doc
I thought I would write a "real" review on this WWE release. It seems like most of these reviews are just match listings and were written before this collection was released. I would like to provide some insight on the finished product.
As almost always, this is another excellent WWE release. This release is especially enjoyable because of the way the countdown is presented. Renee Young does and excellent job steering the ship, and is also very easy on the eyes!!! The countdown clocks in at a little under 3 hours and each rivalry has a different WWE personality narrating. This allows the WWE personality to provide insight that was previously unavailable to the common fan. As mentioned above, Renee Young comes in every so often and provides additional insight. The rivalries themselves are very interesting and highlight all the important matches and moments of the rivalry.
The only flaw that this set has is the bonus matches. It seems like some are repeats. Also...
Will Depend On How Many You Have Seen Before
This is going to be one of my shorter reviews ever on Amazon, because the "enjoy-ability" factor of this set comes down to one factor: How many of these types of WWE sets have you already seen previously?
There is nothing "wrong" with this set, and it contains some great classic WWE material for both current fans and nostalgia-based viewers alike. If this is the first WWE collection you've ever watched, it will probably be rated much higher for you.
If you are like me, though, and have watched a number of WWE sets already, this one really doesn't add all that much new to the proceedings. It is essentially the same materials in a different package and format.
If you can't get enough of this stuff, buy this one too. If these collections are at all starting to get old, though, than this one can easily be skipped.
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