Thursday, September 19, 2013


Open Your Eyes to the Poetry of the Cards
An in-depth look at one of the most original thinking Tarot poets reading the cards today. A unique film and thought-provoking portrait.

Tarot art at its best
This film can transform your way of looking at the Tarot.

in my opinion, anyone seriously interested in reading the Tarot cards should see it - preferably more than once. Enrique's performance makes the Tarot come alive with his unique creative approach, inspiring you to do the same. his favorite is the classical Tarot de Marseille, but a similar approach can work with any Tarot deck.

A Tarot must
I highly recommend Enrique Enriquez's Enrique Enriquez-Tarology (film) movie to all lovers of the Marseille Tarot in particular and of poetry in general!

Click to Editorial Reviews

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