Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cunning Little Vixen

I guess I've been a Dickensian since I first read 'Pickwick Papers' at about the age of 11. I've read all he wrote--strangely the last novel I got to was the one most Americans are required to read in school: 'A Tale of Two Cities'--and I've never lost my fondness for the novels and short stories. I recognize the sentimentality that runs through his work, but as I specialized in Victorian sources when I was a reader for the Oxford English Dictionary and sometimes think I feel more at home in that era than in our own, that never bothered me. I cried at Little Nell's death just as Dickens's contemporary readers did.

I was thrilled, then, to see this 3 DVD collection of Dickensiana, produced by BBC (and partly by WGBH) for television. It is, quite simply, extraordinary. It contains, on DVD 1, a three hour quasi-documentary about Dickens's life, 'Uncovering the Real Dickens.' It is lushly filmed and makes use of current actors taking the roles of people from Dickens's life, saying the...

its not like other documentries this i truley 5 stars i would strongley recomend this dvd to anyone

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