Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Make a point of seeing this
This is an extremely engaging film, and an utter joy to watch. It's clever, gentle, quietly witty, brushed with melancholy, and lovingly shot. A really excellent piece of artistic story-telling, executed with great talent, and beautifully paced. I salute the director and actors.

Enjoyable and moving
Every now and then I run across a film that moves me to the point where I get a lump in my throat and my eyes tear up...but I also laugh out loud at parts. That film is TOUCH. It is a perfect blend of drama with humor kicked in at appropriate times. This film is a real joy to watch! I highly recommend watching TOUCH. It is expertly directed and the cast is terrific. You won't be disappointed.

A cure for the summer doldrums
Most sensual Indie film of the summer. Directed by Vietnamese-American director Minh Duc Nguyen and starring Porter Lynn. No politics, no kung fu, no bs, just good acting and an unpredictable storyline. Keeps you entertained from the get-go. Just what the doctor ordered for the summer doldrums.

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