Not as annoying as you'd think
Obviously, this Cartoon Network show is meant for kids, but I found a lot to enjoy, myself. Orange can certainly be annoying, but I think the show does a good job of taking him to "the line", and then pulling it back. Not that he lived up to his name every episode, but the odd time when he did, it was tolerable. Toby Turner's "Nerville" is the only human character, and he does the comedy a little broad-- but I really do admire his commitment to the part. It isn't easy acting alone on a green screen, but he did a good job. And I could tell from some of the bonus material as well as some of the credit sequences that he's got a knack for improv with some of the alternate lines he was coming up with.
The standout character for me has to be Marshmallow; I just loved his high-pitched voice (thankfully, not overdone) hollering "Yaaay!" one second, and then being fatalistic another. I wish I could remember a specific line, but it would usually go something like, "Yaaaay! I like...
Still a unique experience. Geared toward a younger audience.
After previously having watched some Annoying Orange episodes on Utube with my son. I would have to say that the episodes on this TV season one series are highly toned down from the originals online. Still highly entertaining the The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange the complete season episodes are very unique and great for all ages. I feel these episodes are great for children in the 7-12 age group, as I found younger kids might not understand some topics like the Colonial Times with George Washington episode. Which in many ways makes for a good bonding time for parents and younger children to watch together.
I can see how this show may get mixed reviews as you have those who are used to watching the 3 minute episodes on Utube and comparing. My sons opinion is that he finds the Utube series funnier and much better, this is due to those online episodes containing more adult like humor and in no way takes away from this first season DVD. I found these episodes...
No option to buy the season?
Grandchildren love it but why no option like other TV shows to buy the season? $1.99 per episode is a rip off since you aren't even getting a half hour episode like you would with other shows.
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