Good movie, but no subtitles
The movie was good even though I don't speak the language they're speaking (I'm assuming it's Korean). Like any action movie, you don't need to understand it to understand the basic premise, though subtitles would have been nice.
It appears it may be a good movie, however I wouldn't know because there are no subtitles, THAT SUCKS !!
If you don't speak an Asian language then don't attempt to watch this film (if I knew which one I'd tell you.).
Amazon needs to 1) inform customers of the film's spoken language and 2) offer English subtitles to its English-speaking customers (as any theater in the U.S. would).
So far watching foreign films on Amazon is a hit and miss affair. First one had subtitles this one doesn't. My rating of this movie is directed purely at the Amazon experience.
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