Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Queen's Cavalry

The Queen's Bodyguard
This 2 disc set (no subtitles) shows the many facets of the Blues and the Royals and the Lifeguards - the Household Cavalry. We see their 2 duties, the ceremonial, which many probably think is the sum total of their job, and their military maneuvers and fighting history. They, of course began as mounted troops and today use tanks - equipped with, of course hot water for tea.
There are interviews with experienced members of the troops and a new training class, some of whom have never ridden a horse. We follow this class from their first lessons, mounting a horse with no stirrups, falling off, polishing for hours, to their graduation - the passing out.

These are troops that are not just for show, the men you see riding through London might have just returned from combat or are headed toward it. It is a proud tradition that those who are interested in a well done history of the Queen's Calvary, England and ceremonial troops will enjoy.

A wonderful review of how The Household Cavalry does two very important jobs with with great interaction of the reviews so the Cavalry to Guard the Queen is not off track too long! This was very interesting from the news of the new recruits -- in times past, I knew a lot of Officers which had a long training of riding and hunting before ever joining the Household Cavalry..

Click to Editorial Reviews

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