Here's what to expect from the latter half of season 1
This review is written by a totaly blind viewer. Yes, I used those words together in a sentence. So don't expect anything too terribly visual here. That also means I won't be discussing picture quality and all that technical stuff either. Bores me to tears anyway. Anyway, on with the contents of this set.
My mega boxset from Timelife arrived a day or so before I happened upon this preorder and am writing this review as of 8-14-2012, and it contains this exact same title, naturally. So here's what you'll be getting should you purchase this half season set from run of the mill DVD joints or this November. You'll get the remaining 30 episodes that comprise the second half of season 1.
31. Calamity Kimberly
32. A Star is Born(First MMPR episode I ever saw back in May of 94 as a rerun of course, so this one holds a special place in my heart for getting me hooked.)
33. The Yolk's on You!
34. The Green Candle, Part I
35. The...
Content Listing
The Power Transfer Pt. 1 (87)
The Power Transfer Pt. 2 (88)
"Goldar's Vice Versa" (89)
"Mirror of Regret" (90)
"When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?" (91)
"Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun" (92)
Light's Camera Action (93)
"Where There's Smoke, There's Fire" (84)
Scavenger Hunt (95)
"The Great Bookala Escape" (96)
"Forever Friends" (97)
A Reel Fish Story (98)
Rangers Back in Time Pt. 1 (99)
Rangers Back in Time Pt. 2 (100)
The Wedding Pt. 1 (101)
The Wedding Pt. 2 (102)
The Wedding Pt. 3 (103)
Return of the Green Ranger Pt. 1 (104)
Return of the Green Ranger Pt. 2 (105)
Return of the Green Ranger Pt. 3 (106)
"Best Man for the Job" (107)
Storybook Rangers Pt. 1 (108)
Storybook Rangers Pt. 2 (109)
Wild West Rangers Pt. 1 (110)
Wild West Rangers Pt. 2 (111)
Blue Ranger Gone Bad (112)
This set has the last 26 episodes of Season 2 and honestly it's like a breath of...
My review
Before i'm attacked, I already own this set. How? well i bought the time life exclusive 40 disc dvd power rangers boxsets. so my season 1 vol 2 is the exact same volume being released in november.
I'm not here to talk about the show. I'm sure if your here, its because your fully aware of this amazing series. This volume concludes season 1, ending on 60 epiosdes. This volume has the remaining 3 dvds, each dvd contains 10 episodes. this set comes with closed captioning for those who have regular dvd players, NOT bluray players that play dvds, those will not display the captioning. No, there is no loss in picture quality. since this season had episodes that lasted no more than 19min, a few at 18min. thats why they are able to put so many episodes without losing video quality, but because of that, they had no space to put in the episode teaser and preview for the next ep onto these dvds. its a sad thing, but who knows, if enough people flood shout factory with emails to add in all...
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