Mostly region free.
If you're looking at this item, odds are you already know whether or not you like these movies, so I'm not going to waste time talking about the artistic merit of them. While I enjoy them quite a bit, Predator is essentially 2 hours of Arnold screaming, Predator 2 is Danny Glover and Gary Busey chasing a Predator that's also maybe chasing them and oh man drug wars, and Predators is Adrian Brody trying to be Not Adrian Brody while things die horribly. These movies shouldn't be nearly as enjoyable as they are, really.
Anyways, the picture quality and audio quality is what you would want from a blu-ray collection. Everything looks quite nice, and the sounds, while not superb, do have some high points, such as the sheen of a sharp object being thrown.
My reason for purchasing this was to have a matching set to the Alien Anthology. While it has nothing on that in terms of the sheer volume of content, it is definitely a serviceable companion, albeit one that clearly...
the digital copy is expired
For this great price I got a wonderful collection, I would rate this item 5 stars if only the digital copy was available to use. The bad thing when I tried to download the digital copy, but a note said that the code should be redeemed by September 29th 2012 which means that the code is no longer valid. I thought this might be useful for people who think of having a digital copy on the go.
Predator Trilogy(import) on Blu-Ray
I bought this set mainly because i had just purchased the Alien Anthology(import). I had seen Alien Vs Predator also but still did not see the first 2 Predator films. I stumbled across this trilogy and it had a beautiful price so i decided to pick it up. The first movie Predator staring Arnold Schwartzenegger was a pretty fun movie. Arnold leads his team of elite soldiers into a jungle for a rescue mission. needless to say it does not go as planned. The second Film was not nearly as fun in my opinion. Don't get me wrong though there is plenty of shooting and lots of awesome predator kills. however it turns out all the action in this movie didn't make it as desirable as the previous film. The third film is the second best watch although to some it may be the best one. full of great actors. but the story has something to be desired. If you read other reviews you may see that people are having problems with the Digital copies of these movies. This particular feature does not really do...
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