What copy are you talking about?
The seven previous reviews of this product are seriously misleading. They obviously refer to some bootleg copy put out by a vendor who specializes in selling unlicensed prints of hard to find film classics that must have been taped from TV showings rather than master prints, with results that are just what you have a right to expect. I won't mention them by name, but anyone who admits to Loving The Classics should beware of their products. I am writing this on April 22. The Olive Films version of "The File on Thelma Jordon" is not due for release until May 28. Any critiques posted by anyone before that date should be viewed with suspicion.
"The left hand never lets the right hand know...."
"Maybe I am just a dame and didn't know it. Maybe I like being picked up by a guy on a binge." -- Stanwyck to Corey
Coming somewhat late in the noir cycle, this long neglected film is much better and more deserving of the praise given many lesser films in the genre, which have been critically re-evaluated after finding a wider following through video and dvd. The File on Thelma Jordan has a beautiful score from Victor Young, lush photography from George Barnes, and good direction from Robert Siodmak, placing this one into the upper echelon of late 1940's film noir. Robert Siodmak, like his brother Curt, began his career in silent films, but was forced to flee Germany before the war, landing first in Paris, then Hollywood. He found his niche in dark and atmospheric thrillers such as The Spiral Staircase, The Dark Mirror, and The Suspect. A noir specialist, The File on Thelma Jordan is as atmospheric and entertaining as any film the director ever made. It is a shame this...
Great Stanwyck Film Noir With Pristine Transfer!
This review refers to the film "The File on Thelma Jordon" which has been officially released by Olive Films on DVD. I received my copy today and watched the film tonight. The film transfer on this DVD is better than I could have imagined. Beautifully restored and pristine! I love this movie....a great film to watch on a rainy day or evening. Stanwyck is perfect as a predatory female who lures bland Wendell Corey into her trap. Why anyone would fall for Corey would be totally unbelievable except for one thing...Stanwyck makes it believable. She is always excellent and this film is no exception. The climax packs a wallop and is just one more reason to own this fine film noir. No one could touch Stanwyck and I'm glad they have finally given this movie a credible release on DVD with a beautiful transfer! All Stanwyck fans....enjoy!
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