A Motorcycle Documentary Focused On The Development Of Zero-Emissions Racing
Director Mark Neale is quickly becoming the premiere niche filmmaker for all things related to motorcycles. He teamed with fellow biking enthusiast Ewan McGregor for two previous feature length documentaries: "Faster" and "Fastest." McGregor provided narration for those films and returns for Neale's "Charge." I hadn't followed racing too closely prior to seeing "Faster" and "Fastest," but those movies were stuffed with racing footage, championship riders, and more information about MotoGP than I had ever experienced. As a lay person, in fact, the presentations had almost too much material! "Fastest," in particular, seemed to overflow with potential stories. Neale's narrative never stayed on one topic for very long and instead of telling a straightforward account, it jumped back and forth through years of racing as the subjects veered all over the place. It had so much information, it was almost exhausting to try to keep up (maybe that's why it was called Fastest)! Racing...
Racing with Electrons Through Motorcycle History.
With the release of this film/movie 'Motorcycles' are starting to reclaim their name. Unlike "Internal Combustion Engines" (ICEcycles), the motorcycles in this documentary are run solely on electricity, and motors. It mainly documents two teams preparing, and competing in the first 'Isle of Man' TT race for electric motorcycles. The film starts with a trailer type preview of upcoming events with flash-forward of what the viewer is about to see. The main story begins with Michael Czysz and his wanting to start a USA grand prix motorcycle racing company after seeing a New Zealand built motorcycle (ICEcycle) 'Britten V1000'. The story then shifts to the UK and tells the story of Cedric Lynch, his building electric motors, and his own electric motorcycle. There is archival BBC footage on him in 1980, and then it tells how he and a friend started Agni Motors an India based company. It then shifts back to Mr. Czysz, as his business begins to fail, and he hears about the TTXGP. He and his...
Awesome technology, awesome movie, awesome soundtrack
I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary, especially the inner workings of the Moto Cysz team at their base in America. The soundtrack made the already good movie 3x better and it fits the high technology being documented. I would have liked to have seen more than the small clips from the 2011 and 2012 races though as they represent big leaps forward. Perhaps a sequel?
Its so awesome to know the end of oil is approaching. These extremely fast bikes are a welcome change to the whole industry. When people see how smooth, relaxing, and extremely fast these electric bikes are, no one will miss the black poison oil from the past age and the corruption and wars that surrounded it. If the next documentary by Mark Neale and Ewan McGregor isn't a sequel to this great movie, I hope its about a new era of electric bikes in MotoGP. If you're thinking about buying or renting this movie on Amazon, I highly recommend it.
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