I randomly came across this movie while flipping through Amazon's sometimes hilarious recommendations. It was about 12:30am, so I figured if it was bad, Id just fall asleep and not waste much time.
Turned out, I stayed awake during the whole movie.
The movie was entertaining in a way thats hard to describe. There are few laugh out loud moments, but there are a couple. Its got more of a grin/groan/snicker style of humor than gutbusting laughter. It was worth my time, though Im not sure about buying it to own - its more of a renter. Watch it once, and thats it. I might pick it up for a couple bucks if I saw it cheap, to add to my Indie collection. It would fit in well on the shelf with Wristcutters and Murder Party.
I gave the movie 4 stars for the Indie category, which IMO is a seperate class from your usual mass theatrical release.
If you like the off brand sense of humor that films like Clerks, Wristcutters: A Love Story and Murder Party...
Highly amusing and entertaining.
This is a very funny and entertaining take on a care facility. By the very nature of the topic with it's affinity for trauma and loss, it is not the easiest subject to base a comedy around. This film is a brave attempt to do just that and it could easily have fallen flat. However it is a brilliantly written and well crafted film that manages to achieve and do so convincingly.
He cares for your Grandma'!
He takes care of your grandma and he likes to do a little bump here and there. Boppin' At The Glue Factory is one of the best independent films that needs to get out there so that everyone can enjoy it. It's dark and funny!
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