Sunday, September 22, 2013

Once Upon A Time In Brooklyn [HD]

Must See - Pick this one up
Action, drama - cars, girls and guns - it's all here. Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn knows what you want in a movie of this genre and definitely delivers. The cast is strong and the writing is sharp. This movie holds no punches, literally, and hits you with a couple of laughs from some clever screenwriters. Bobby's character played by William DeMeo is a tough guy right out of prison struggling with making the choice to go back to the life he knows or make his family proud. High adrenaline from the opening credits to an unexpected twist of an ending this is a movie you don't want to miss and without a doubt one to add to the collection!

Bobby (William DeMeo) gets out of prison after five years for armed robbery. He opts to go after the rats that put him in there. He works for a crime family. He is the son of a well off somewhat honest construction company owner who does not like the mob, but must deal with them. The story is told with flashbacks and flashbacks during flashbacks. It has some first person narration by Bobby, but changes up at will to have some policeman narration.

The film is a gritty look at the crime world filled with connections and favors. Bobby loathes the flamboyant lifestyle of those criminals who flaunt their wealth, but is forced to work with them. Bobby is by no means an honorable person himself, screwing up relationships, sometimes being his worse enemy.

The acting was wonderful, but the plot wasn't solid as if the editor had hiccups. Worth a rental for those for enjoy mafia style crime movies.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, stripper nudity.

Great Movie!!!
I am a fan of Mob Movies and this one directed by Paul Borghese is right on the money!!!! Bought it, loved it, will watch it again

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Free Samples [HD]

The new "slackers"
If you enjoy Clerks and Slackers and those types of slow dramas about underachievers who are bitter and mean then turn out to have a heart in the end you will love this movie! Personally, I don't.

Watched this cause of Jesse Eisenberg
I had this movie in the watchlist since May 2013 when it came to Amazon(watch while in theaters). I can see why this movie never got a wide release.
I don't see this movie making it in the theaters.
this movie seems like a movie that would be enjoyed by the select few who actually like these type of movies.
The movie was good.
I liked the supporting characters/actors.
The main character was getting on my nerves, after a minute of listening to her talk, I had to tone her out and focus on only the other character she was talking to her.
Just one question though; Who's Mike? (name on the truck)

If I could give it a zero I would
Worse movie...plot was awful, actors were terrible and I want the time I spent watching it back. Thought it would be a humorist story, but def wrong. I shut it off before it even was awful!

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The Saddle Club: Season 3

Good finish
My daughter had season 1 and 2 and had been waiting many years for 3 to come out. It did not disappoint her. It took a while to get used to the new cast however

Great show!
Bought this for my daughter for her bday (season 3 was long awaited) and she was thrilled. I am pleased that it arrived on time.

this is the horse crazy show to watch and to watch over and over to watch so if you are a horse crazy you should relly watch these shows and be happy with this.

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Half a Sixpence

A constant joy
I resent the Amazon reviewer's caustic remarks about the movie, Richard and Steele. This movie was a true delight from beginning to end. The dancing was glorious and lots of it. The songs by this time were old friends. Incidentally, I've heard the cast recordings of the London, Bway and movie versions. A few songs were the same in all 3, others came and went, which I thought was odd. Tommy Steele (35 years ago, can you believe it!) was wonderful as was everyone, it was a little long (2 hours and 25 minutes), but it was always fun and exciting. I loved it. Incidentally, the villains were just nasty enough to get their point across, nothing to enrage you, and their comeuppance was also just right, not some scathing triumph. I found the whole thing a pleasure, just as I did 35 years ago.

Half a Sixpence on DVD--Better Than None
Contrary to what another reviewer has said, Half a Sixpence was a throughly delightful show on stage, at least on Broadway, thanks to a great performance by Tommy Steele, a charming cast, and wonderful choreography by Onna White who went on to do the choreography for the film version of Oliver! The movie version of Sixpence didn't quite have all the charm of the show, but it does have Steele, who gives his all, a touching performance by Julia Foster as Anne, and Grover Dale from the Broadway cast (who would also appear in the Demy film musical The Young Girls of Rochefort. The production values are pleasing to the eye. I'd say one of the flaws of the movie is the unimaginative choroeography by Gillian Lynne (who eventually worked on Cats)--I'm not sure why White wasn't available. The movie includes most of the score of the show, but it cuts one of the show's best songs, Long Ago--it's sung briefly by a chorus at the beginning and is also used as background music but it was an...

Widescreen and Stereo at last!
British entertainer Tommy Steele appeared in three big-budget, reserved seat musicals within a year's time - 1967-1968, and then never made another musical film again. While Steele is one of the only assets in Disney's interminable "The Happiest Millionaire", he was much more well utilized in "Finian's Rainbow" as Og the Leprechaun. But his biggest starring role was in the film that came between those two - the gigantic film version of the stage musical "Half a Sixpence". Directed by George Sidney, the film massively realizes what had been a fairly middle-weight, mediocre stage show. Until this DVD release, the film has never been available on home video in its original Panavision aspect ration, with four track stereo surround. And what a difference this transfer makes from the cropped, grainy VHS tape of the film! Splendidly designed, beautifully shot, elegantly scored, and using both studio sets and sweeping location footage, the film is at least...

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John Portman: A Life of Building [HD]

Great Documentary on the Life of This Architect
I am not an Architect by trade, but I have a great love of architecture as an art form. I never knew of John Portman before seeing this and I now have insight to the great contributions this man have made to US commercial architecture and even to global commercial building design. I really loved the way the producers included the family life of Mr. Portman and how he was as a father to his children even with the busy life that he had as both an architect and building commercial real estate developer.

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Hit It And Repeat [HD]

Sweet sweet Kandi!
Not-well-known-enough Kandi Buress is my idol (if it's possible for my cynical soul to have one), as the songwriter behind many hits. She started out in a teen group, then segued into the cut-throat world of songwriting, arranging, and producing. She rawwwwwwks hard in the shark-eat-dog world of the music bidness, and has been working behind the scenes for many ears quietly churning out hits and singles for many biggies like Britney, Pink, Aliyah, NSync, etc.

On this show, she gives a makeover (musically and physically) to up and coming artists. I was a little suspicious, because their demos they showed on the show were so excellent, and then they showed up on the show and stunk up the joint. Then she had to work with them on their singing. It seemed to me like that part was faked- so that they could have Kandi "make them over" in the studio. Either that, or these people were REALLY nervous. Because usually, it's actually physically hard for a trained singer to start...

Awesome Show
This show is amazing. Giving people the opportunity to live out their dreams is an inspiration to all aspiring artists. Keep the shows coming.....

It's ok...where are the attractive contestants!
Kandi and her team are pretty amazing. However, contestants don't always make you want to love them. Kandi/producers, please try to find some attractive people that aren't so awkward next season....well, at least the attractive part! Remember the original formula - Kim Z? She had no real singing talent, but her aesthetic and personality were marketable....I am all for the diamond in the rough, but they can't still look like a lump of coal once you shine them up;)

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Good finish
My daughter had season 1 and 2 and had been waiting many years for 3 to come out. It did not disappoint her. It took a while to get used to the new cast however

Great show!
Bought this for my daughter for her bday (season 3 was long awaited) and she was thrilled. I am pleased that it arrived on time.

this is the horse crazy show to watch and to watch over and over to watch so if you are a horse crazy you should relly watch these shows and be happy with this.

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